Queens blade
queens blade
Queens blade
These books are hardbound, and the interior art is in full color. They are printed in Japan, and each of these books is fully compatible with all the other Lost Worlds books. However the text is in Japanese - there is an English
Below are the "Queens Blade Rebellion" series of books. The original series is "Queens Blade" and can be found here:
There is also a series called "Queen's Gate".
Newsflash: the Queens Blade Lost Worlds game is now available in Japan on cell phones! To see some screenshots, go to cellphonepics.pdf
This page last changed A[ro; 30, 2016.
Special note: J-list is a fun website where you can buy all sorts of cool items imported from Japan. They sell these books too, but they also sell 3-d versions of some of these characters (plastic dolls) and even bubble gum trading cards! Take a look. And if you buy from them using this link, Flying Buffalo gets a commission. So don't be shy!
Werbellia, the Swamp Witch
Great Pirate Liliana = Ayaka Sayama Edition (Live Version)
IZUMI - Samurai of the War God
LAILA - Celestial Punisher
Great Pirate Captain Liliana
Available now
Enslaved Dragon Warrior Branwen
Available now
Summoner Aldra
Reborn as a "Summoner" after she lost her battle.
Gemstone Princess Eilin and Iron Advisor Ymir
LunaLuna, Moon Shadow Dancer
Sigui: Inquisitor (sorry out of Sigui)
Twin Taimashi: Tarnyang & Sainyang
Mirim Ultra Vibration Valkyrie
Annelotte, Princess Knight
Sorry, I am out of Annelotte.
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Итог: Queens blade These books are hardbound, and the interior art is in full color. They are printed in Japan, and each of these books is fully compatible with all the other Lost Worlds books.
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