Thirsty Thursday 6 Anime Like Queen s Blade Recommendations, queens blade online.
- [Thirsty Thursday] 6 Anime Like Queen's Blade [Recommendations]
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[Thirsty Thursday] 6 Anime Like Queen's Blade [Recommendations]

Everyone loves a good adventure anime. The characters put on armor, then they step out into the world, usually with their party members, and go on a nice unique adventure. Then there has to be a fantasy element to it more often than not. Then, if things could not be better, you also need fun villains, preferably insane ones or followers of some sort of cult, as this adds yet another dimension to the story. If the villains think just like the main characters do, then the story becomes rather bland, wouldn’t you say? Well, then of course, ideally, there is one more aspect that Queen’s Blade brings to the table. Queen’s Blade takes out all of the men from the series and makes this a pure female character anime with, of course, very heavy lesbian and yuri tones, but also with bountiful amounts of fan service. Welcome to our 6 Anime Like Queen’s Blade.
Queen’s Blade is unique in that this anime was born from the backstory behind figurines actually. Officially, Queen’s Blade is adapted from a series of visual combat books that Hobby Japan has published. Whether you watched this for the story (unlikely), the characters (also unlikely), or just the pure fact that this anime is pushing the limits of what it is to be ecchi without being full on hentai, then let us introduce six more anime just like Queen’s Blade.
Similar Anime to Queen's Blade

Bikini Warriors was actually the first anime, not boobs, anime, that sprung to mind when we thought about what shows are like this. Bikini Warriors follows four heroes as they try to save the world from the darkness that is threatening to consume it. We have the job of meeting a party of four out on an adventure: Fighter, Paladin, Mage, and Dark Elf. We know, so original. The problem is that even though these warriors are ready to go, they are clad in nothing more than a bikini, surprise, and they seem to be having trouble leaving the first town!? Unfortunately, these girls have their work cut out for them if they think that they are going to make it out of the town to save the world.
Bikini Warriors is if you made Queen’s Blade a short anime, and removed all sort of characterization from the series. It’s not bad, but don’t expect moving speeches from the characters. What you can expect; hilarious setups, boobs, very skimpy outfits, magic, side-boob, and that thing where it looks like hentai but it’s not because the characters are clothed even though they are being violated by either tentacles or sentient slime is here, too. Much like how all of these are in Queen’s Blade. The excuse for armor is rather slight and we all know that neither the girls of Queen’s Blade nor Bikini Warriors are going to be winning fights, but that is just how we like it.
Bikini Warriors Clip:

If you are looking for another series that pushed the envelope even further of a sexy fighting anime, look no further than sin: Nanatsu no Taizai. The series opens with Lucifer being cast out of heaven. She crashes into Earth, somehow drinks the blood of a mortal girl Maria, before falling down into hell. There, Leviathan, a sexy girl who has a serious older sister complex, offers to set Lucifer free in exchange for Lucifer defeating the seven deadly sins and making Leviathan one. One by one, she quickly deals with them and as she attacks, what could be better, all of the seven deadly sins’ clothing tears off revealing supple, ample bodies, everywhere. However, Lucifer goes to the human realm in search of Maria with Leviathan, and when she finds her, they set out one by one to beat each of the seven deadly sins in their own depraved sin.
sin: Nanatsu no Taizai once again brings the concept of Sexy Armor to the stage and none of the women in either series really need clothing or armor as it is just going to rip off when they are attacked leaving just a sliver of clothing behind. Both Queen’s Blade and sin: Nanatsu no Taizai both utilize yuri harems, heavy ecchi and fanservice, girls fighting, and above all else, a simple plot that is really just in place to keep the girls interacting and in conflict. Also, it should be noted that the second season of Queen’s Blade has a great ED just like sin: Nanatsu no Taizai has a kickass OP. Nonetheless, we are loving sin Nanatsu no Taizai and you should be too!
sin: Nanatsu no Taizai PV:

Now, Claymore is a bit of an older show, but if you have not seen it yet, we mean really, why are you even here? Stop what you are doing and go watch it now. Claymore are synthesized human beings that are half-human and half-youma or demon. They are humanity’s only hope against the threat of the supernatural. Claire, a Claymore, meets Raki, a human, after saving his village. Somehow they end up traveling together, which translates to Claire saving Raki a lot. However, Claymore are often feared rather than respected and treated fairly, so through the eyes of Raki, we learn about these saviors of humanity. Or, are they the ones who will finally bring us to ruin?
Claymore and Queen’s Blade’s paths are quite divergent but the core ideals are the same. Switch out the ecchi aspect for a dialing up of the supernatural aspect with a bit of thriller dashed in, and you have Claymore. Both are set in medieval looking times where there is a central kingdom, but a lot is happening outside of the reach or walls. Leina and Claire share a lot of similar aspects. Both women are looking for power and understanding and both have a dark traumatic experience in their past that haunts them to this very day. Other than that, both series feature extremely powerful women and Raki is really the only major standout male character. So enjoy!
Claymore Trailer:
Any Anime Like Queen's Blade ?

Mamori Tokonome has some pretty bad luck. She has a terrible name and one day, she is kidnapped. She finds herself on an island with stoic Mirei. A pair of girls appear, and much to the shock of Mamori, they begin to make out and proceed with foreplay. As one girl reaches climax, she becomes a weapon awoken through the Exter transformation. Trying to figure out how to fight back, Mirei kisses Mamori and before she knows it, Mamori has transformed into her own weapon. They make quick work of the two and are off. On Mermaid Island, these two learn that they cannot leave as they pose a danger to both themselves and normal society. So, the two girls pair up and try to figure out what is happening on this strange island. Along the way, they will meet a gaggle of characters, almost all female, save for one, as they try to survive.
Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid is a lot like Queen’s Blade. Now, we will be upfront and tell you, that the story is not super memorable. However, what is memorable are the countless fan service and ecchi moments that abound between the two. Queen’s Blade has a yuri harem as its main focus while there is a queen in Valkyrie Drive who has her own harem at all times. Now, while we may not see the girls of Queen’s Blade getting it on, they get very close, and Valkyrie Drive does show us some of it. One other good thing to note about the two series, as well, is that there is a set of mysterious characters in both shows who will make you question, at first, if they are friend or foe. Both are fantasy and supernatural anime, and it is really hard to see you liking one and not the other. Check out the PV below!
Valkyrie Drive: Merma >

Turf wars are a real thing and the Tokyo region is locked in a bad one with rival high schools at each other’s throats. What complicates things is that there are these items that will not only power you up, but they will give you the power of souls that fought and died during the Three Kingdoms Era. These items are known as Magatama. When Hakufu Sonsaku transfers into a new school, it sends out shockwaves immediately. She seems like an idiot but she is actually a very skilled fighter and this scares those around her. There are rumors that she could even have the power of the famous general Sun Ce. So, the most powerful students decide to put a stop to her rise so that she cannot rise up to the top, but can she?
Ikkitousen and Queen’s Blade right off the bat share fighting and ecchi themes. You get delicious thighs in Ikkitousen while you get boobs, boobs, and more boobs with Queen’s Blade so the two series are overflowing with fan service. Queen’s Blade and Ikkitousen also sport a nice healthy action element as well with all of the fighting. The best part of these series though is that the plot is not too in depth and rather easy to grasp.
Ikkitousen PV:

Seikon no Qwaser follows Sasha as he is saved by two sisters at a school that is being terrorized by a serial killer. The girls begin to help him recover, but one of the girls that night is approached by the killer. Mafuyu is confused though when the killer asks for a memento from her father and not her life. Sasha steps in to save her and suddenly he reveals that he has supernatural powers. If he can have access to perform Soma, then he can control elements. We won’t spoil it, but Souma involves boobs! Sasha then slays the killer and the very next day enrolls in the academy. The sisters, Mafuyu and Tomo suddenly go from a boring life to an action-packed one!
Seikon no Qwaser and Queen’s Blade really do play up the supernatural action aspect as much as they can. Both series feature characters that have to fight to achieve their goals. There is an abundant amount of fan service shared between the two series and it is heavy. Fans who are looking for a light dose should go to other series because these two lay it on thick. Both series also feature many female characters as well for those who do not enjoy watching groups of men.
Seikon no Qwaser PV:

Final Thoughts
And here we are at the end of another adventure of 6 Anime Like! This week we looked at the ecchi masterpiece that is Queen’s Blade and gave you six more shows that are like it in other ways. We really hope that you enjoyed this list and be sure to let us know of any below that you think also below here! Till next time.

American by birth; international by choice. I am trying to bring attention to one of my favorite causes; me. I translate by day and write by night. Aspiring polyglot. My dream would be to be the personal translator for Amuro Namie. Other than that, my hobbies include languages, weightlifting, sleeping, karaoke, GOOD coffee and music. When I’m not doing any of the above, I am most likely laughing hysterically at Willam Belli videos or EV farming. I ain’t gunna Rupologize for it neither. Waifu are Shirai Kuroko & Euaerin.
Итог: [Thirsty Thursday] 6 Anime Like Queen's Blade [Recommendations] Everyone loves a good adventure anime. The characters put on armor, then they step out into the world, usually with their
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