The Best Adult Free To Play MMORPGs You Should Check Out, mmorpg 18+.


mmorpg 18+

The Best Adult Free To Play MMORPGs You Should Check Out!

The Best Adult Free To Play MMORPGs You Should Check Out!

Right, so, today we’re going to be taking a look at the best ADULT MMORPGs on the market at this very moment. This can mean adult themed such as bloody and gorey, or adult themed such as boobs and sex appeal. This is a list of MMORPGs based off of both Stix and my personal experiences with these games. Therefore there may be MMORPGs that we’ve missed due to not playing them, so keep that in mind. We do, however, want you guys to let us know whether there’s an ADULT MMORPG we missed – and if not, at the very least what ADULT MMORPGs currently interest you! If you like this top video, don’t forget to smash that like button in the face and subscribe for more top videos like this one! Right. So, with all of that out of the way, let’s just.. jump right into this video then, shall we?

Requiem: Memento Mori

Requiem: Memento Mori is a helluva game. It is literally one of the most gore filled MMORPGs I have ever played, let along seen. Never before have I ever been able to explode monsters into pieces just by punching them in the face. Never before have I been able to see monsters’ limbs be sent flying through the air, roll down hills, and just lie there staring back to me. It is absolutely disgusting, but at the same time so very satisfying. It’s something you truly have to witness for yourself in order to appreciate the insanity. The MMORPG itself isn’t bad. You can tell the gameplay feels somewhat dated as it isn’t anything new. However, the game itself, nevertheless, provides a fun experience if you’re looking for a fun horror MMORPG, filled with blood and gore.

Scarlet Blade

While technically shut down, there are private servers of Scarlet Blade, one specifically that we play on, that provide a fairly true experience for anyone interested in playing. Scarlet Blade was one of the only MMORPGs on the market that actually allow for full on nudity. It also has some of the most revealing outfits you have ever seen. I’m not even kidding, it’s actually a little absurd at times when your characters nipples poke out from the gear and your ass hangs out of both sides of your pants, If you even have pants that is.. Coupled with nightclubs filled with strippers, nude dancers, and people ERPing, you have the makings for one of the most sexualized MMORPGs I have ever, ever seen. Gameplay in Scarlet Blade isn’t bad either. It’s a little slow but it looks pretty good. Graphically, the game is.. okay to look at, but the character models are fantastic, as that is the major pulling factor, for Scarlet Blade.

Age of Conan

This list wouldn’t be complete without Age of Conan, am I right? When you think of an ADULT MMORPG, the first game that came to mind was Age of Conan. Stix’ as well. Why? Age of Conan has everything. Barbarism, slavery, rape, prostitution. It is by far one of the most adult MMORPGs on the market. There may be gorier MMORPGs, there may be sexier MMORPGs. But, Nothing can even come close to comparing to how much of an adult masterpiece Age of Conan really is. If you haven’t already, you will find this out within the first few minutes of the actual games story. Age of Conan, although it was released many moons ago, holds up incredibly well, as it is still looking fantastic for its age. Being an action MMORPG, it actually plays surprisingly well, too!

Blade and Soul

The MMORPG that most people generally consider *the* most adult looking MMORPG (at least in terms of sexuality), Blade and Soul is probably one of the best looking MMORPGs on the entire market. It has some of the most ridiculous looking body types for females. It is incredibly oversexualized – which isn’t a bad thing, not at all. There are just.. Like, if you haven’t played the game yet, you really have to. It has some of the most unique.. body physics in an MMORPG that I have ever seen, with some of the most revealing outfits (while not revealing.. too much surprisingly.) To top it off, you have some of the best gameplay in an MMORPG at present, along with some of the best overall graphics in an MMORPG – It’s no wonder Blade and Soul is still one of the most popular MMORPGs on the market. Quick FYI – If you’re turned off by super jiggle physics, then you should probably avoid this game. Second FYI – If oversexualized female characters triggers you, then yeah, another reason why you should avoid it.


One of the most over sexualized MMORPGs ever (seriously, go Google some of the costumes. They are absolutely insane!), Vindictus, like Blade and Soul is on the *sexier* side of the adult spectrum. It doesn’t do the bizarre body proportions like Blade and Soul does but the costumes, actions, and the general things you can do is just.. it just makes me giggle a little inside. I dare say Vindictus is probably one of the classier sexy MMORPGs to be honest, as it doesn’t to the whole “super revealing” thing every other sexy MMORPG seems to do to get players coming back. Instead, it’s just.. sexy. Just, really.. sexy. I mean you have to see it to fully appreciate what I’m saying. This isn’t bad though as having a high class sexy MMORPG is good! We need at least one haha. Regarding gameplay, Vindictus’ combat is fantastic. It’s action combat, but it also allows you to use the interactable environments scattered around, like boxes, pumpkins or monster limbs and use them as a weapon for some good ol’ epic fun. Oh and you know, It’s also graphically.. beautiful. there’s that too.

Mortal Online

This one is definitely a unique adult MMORPG, first thing to note is that it’s first person, so as to allow you to fully immerse yourself into this adult MMORPG. So what makes it an adult game? Well to start off it has full and complete nudity, granted you are required to turn on the option in settings. So yeah, you’ll be able to see everyone’s.. everything. Male and female.. in first person. However nudity isn’t the only thing that Mortal Online does that makes it an adult game, it also has graphic violence and decapitations. Ouch.

Kabod Online

Unfortunately this one was shut down.. and there have been no private servers come back up with a viable version of the game. Nevertheless, I feel the need to at the very least include it as it has one of the most amazing armor systems in an MMORPG: Destructible. Right. Not only did Kabod look absolutely great for its time, but the game itself allowed the destruction of armor. Meaning the more physical damage you took, the more of your armor broke off. Until, inevitably, your gear was completely broken and you saw nothing but your full, pale ass, nude body. Damn now I feel like I need to get tan. I’m surprised such a sexy MMORPG like this was actually shut down and that nobody else ever bothered to bring it back up. It’s an MMORPG I would’ve definitely liked to have at the very least tried. From what I can see though regarding gameplay (as I never played it,) the gameplay seems.. alright. Nothing great, mind you. Nothing terrible either, and I know terrible gameplay when I see it, I played enough bad MMORPGs.. unfortunately. FML. Not that it matters at this point – but in essence my goal was to simply bring this MMORPG into the light in hopes someone will revive it! Fingers crossed!

Итог: The Best Adult Free To Play MMORPGs You Should Check Out! The Best Adult Free To Play MMORPGs You Should Check Out! Right, so, today we’re going to be taking a look at the best ADULT MMORPGs


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