Select Your Entity Type, ein online.


ein online

Select Your Entity Type

Select your desired entity and fill out your information on our simplified forms to obtain a Federal Tax ID Number / EIN from the IRS in just 3 simple steps. Govt Assist agents will provide a filing service and process your application with the Internal Revenue Service. You will receive your EIN via e-mail that same day, usually within an hour, if submitted during business hours.

You need to get a EIN/ Tax ID Number if you:
• Started a new business
• Hired or will hire employees, including household employees
• Opened a bank account that requires an EIN for banking purposes
• Need to open a business bank account or want to start a business line of credit
• Changed the legal character or ownership of your organization (for example, you incorporate a sole proprietorship or form a partnership)
• Formed or created a trust, pension plan, corporation, partnership, LLC
• Represent an estate that operates a business after the owner's death.

Our service will process your application for an EIN/Tax ID number (SS-4 Form) with the IRS to obtain your Tax ID Number and deliver it to you quickly and securely via email.
• Our EIN form is simplified for your ease of use, accuracy, and understanding, saving you time!
• We guarantee applications are processed and EINs are delivered to you same day, and usually within hours. If submitted past 9pm EST, the EIN will be delivered to you on the next business day. We do not charge extra for a rush delivery, while some services will charge $300+ for this.
• The IRS site is hard to navigate, times out, and is prone to errors. It also is closed nightly and on weekends, whereas our application and our support line is available any time 24/7/365!
• Our tax savvy customer service team are readily available by phone or e-mail for your convenience and support if needed.

Sole Proprietor/Individual Tax ID

Let IRS-EIN-TAX-ID government assist agents help you navigate through the complex process of obtaining your EIN number. It can be challenging to apply for a federal tax ID number because of the many forms that you need. Some sole proprietors and individual business owners don’t even know which government offices to send their EIN paperwork to. IRS-EIN-TAX-ID takes the struggles and guesswork out of applying for an EIN number.

Partnership Tax ID

Applying for a federal identification number is one of many tasks that partners must take on when starting a business partnership. To lessen the load of things that you or your partner have to do, let IRS-EIN-TAX-ID file your FEIN paperwork for you. We help you file and obtain your tax ID number for you business. In most cases, you’ll have your EIN the same day you apply.

Limited Liability Company Tax ID

Will your limited liability company hire employees? If so, you need to get a tax ID number. IRS-EIN-TAX-ID helps you get your tax ID number on the same day you apply, so you have one less requirement to worry about as you set up your business. Simply apply online and wait a few hours for your EIN number confirmation.

Corporation Tax ID

When you start a corporation, you need to open a business bank account. This requires you to have an EIN number for your business. Let IRS-EIN-TAX-ID file the necessary paperwork for you and help you get your EIN before the day is done. We offer an easy three-step application process with assistants working on your behalf, should any information need to be corrected or resubmitted.

Trust Tax ID

When you create a trust, you need to file an IRS tax ID application. If this is your first time forming a trust, you might want someone to guide you through the process. Even if you’ve created trusts before, IRS-EIN-TAX-ID can get the paperwork done correctly and quickly for you. Just one incorrect entry can result in your application getting rejected. Let our experts file your EIN paperwork for you today, so you can avoid setbacks.

S-Corporation Tax ID

Want to establish a line of credit for your S-Corporation? You’ll need an IRS EIN number. With your IRS EIN number, you can apply for credit for office supplies, a company vehicle, or a small business loan. IRS-EIN-TAX-ID helps you get a tax ID number for business, so that you can establish credit and start growing your company the way you envision.

Estate of Deceased Individual Tax ID

In order to represent an estate that operates as a business after an owner’s death, you need to file for a federal tax ID number. There might be other things required of you as you attempt to settle an estate. IRS-EIN-TAX-ID takes the burden off you and helps you fill out, and submit, the necessary paperwork for your EIN number.

Personal Service Corporation Tax ID

Personal Service Corporations need to have their EIN on file. If you’re in charge of filing the EIN for your personal service corporation, but don’t know where to begin, we can help you submit your SS-4 online. IRS-EIN-TAX-ID works with personal service corporations to offer easy application and submission of all FEIN documents.

Non-Profit Organization Tax ID

Are you starting a non-profit organization? Great! You’ll need a federal tax ID number. The IRS website is often hard to navigate and figure out. IRS-EIN-TAX-ID streamlines the federal tax ID application process for you, so you don’t need to hassle with downloading forms and getting them to the appropriate departments. We take care of everything with three easy steps.

Church Controlled Organization Tax ID

Church-controlled organizations aren’t exempt from needing federal ID numbers. If your church-controlled organization hasn’t applied for its federal tax ID number yet, IRS-EIN-TAX-ID can help. On your behalf, we file the appropriate paperwork and get your tax ID number back to you quickly. Our filing process is secure and we work 24/7 – saving you time and making filing convenient for you.

What is an EIN/Tax-ID?

An Employer Identification Number (EIN), also known as a Federal Tax Identification Number, is a 9-digit number that the IRS assigns and is used to identify a business entity.

What is the difference between an EIN, Tax ID number, TIN, FEIN, or Federal Tax ID number?

These are all different names for the same Federal number assigned by the IRS. In certain cases you might also need a state tax ID number, which is a separate number assigned by the state government.

Do I need an EIN?

All business entities are required to have an EIN to identify the taxpayer. If an entity has employees, including if you are an individual who hires employees, an EIN is required for tax purposes. Sole proprietors may use their social security number but can also get an EIN for their business purposes.

What is an Entity Type?

The IRS treats different entities differently depending on the set up and tax structure. Different entities include: LLCs (Limited Liability Company), Corporation, Partnership, Trusts, Estates of Deceased Individuals, Non-Profit Organizations. To decide what entity type is right for your business, you can take this survey.

I want to open a bank account for my new business, do I need an EIN?

Yes, an EIN is required to open a bank account for your entity to use in place of your personal bank account.

Do I need an EIN if I’m filing for a Sole Proprietorship?

It is not required as you can use your social security number, but many choose to obtain to protect against giving out their SSN. If you are an individual who has hired an employee, such as a household employee, an EIN is required.

What does obtaining an EIN allow me to do for my business?

An EIN is required and allows you to open a business bank account, apply for business licenses and file your company’s tax return at the end of the year.

Are any entities excluded from obtaining an EIN?

No, all entities are allowed to apply for and obtain an EIN from the IRS.

What is the format of an EIN?

It is a nine-digit number starting with 2 digits followed by a dash and 7 more digits; for example, 12-3456789.

How long does it take to get a Tax ID Number?

You will receive your EIN via e-mail on the same business day, unless submitted after 6 p.m. PST. You will be able to use your EIN for most of your business needs immediately, but it can take up to two weeks for the EIN to become apart of the IRS’ permanent records, which can impact the usability of the tax ID number in certain situations.

Will I ever need to apply for a new EIN for the same business?

In most cases, if your business changes its entity structure, a new EIN is required. For example, if you change your business from an LLC to a Corporation, a new tax ID number will be necessary.

How do I make a change to my EIN after it was assigned?

There are certain changes you can make to your Tax ID after it has been assigned by calling the IRS-EIN line at 1-800-829-4933. These changes include changing the business name, business address or date that the business started. In some cases, to change the name of the business, you must hand write a letter to the

How do you cancel an EIN after it has been assigned?

To cancel the EIN after it has been assigned, the managing member of the business must hand write a letter to the IRS at the address where your entity will file its tax return, which varies by your state. It must be signed by the managing member.

When will I receive the official letter from the IRS?

It can take up to 4 weeks to receive the official letter from the IRS containing the paperwork for your EIN. Some banks may require this document, but most times you will be able to use the Tax ID number for most of your business needs with just the number itself.

When can I use my Tax ID Number after I receive it?

You can use the Tax ID number/EIN immediately after you receive it for most of your business needs such as opening a bank account. But it can take up to 2 weeks for the EIN to become a part of the official records of the Internal Revenue Service. Some banks may require additional information or documentation in order to open the bank account; this will depend on the bank and their process.

How do I check the status of my application?

You can check the status of your application here, with your order number and e-mail from your application.

What is a Reference 101 error and what does it mean?

A Reference 101 error is a general IRS error that is very common and does not mean anything in particular about your application. It just requires that we take additional steps in the process to get the EIN from the IRS and can take 7-10 business days for the IRS to process your EIN number.

What is the application process?

You will complete the simple application form with the information required. The form and all information is secure on this website.

Is my information safe on this website?

Yes. All information is secure on this website. The information is used to complete the processing with the IRS, and nothing else.

Why use IRS EIN Tax ID to get my EIN?

Our service is the fastest third party designee service. All EINs are guaranteed to be delivered to you on the same business day if submitted before 6pm PST, and many times EINs are received within an hour of submitting your application on the website. View All FAQs

Customer Reviews

Feedback on your tax id service - by Kim Davis , February 1, 2017 - 5 / 5 stars

EIN Tax ID Filing Service saved me time and hassle getting my Tax ID Number from the IRS. The website was very easy to navigate and helped guide me though the application process. Their staff was friendly and informative, and turned a long, confusing process into a quick one.

Federal Tax Application by State

Govt Assist, LLC acts as a “Third Party Designee” as described in the instructions to Form SS-4 to help clients obtain Federal Tax >Govt Assist, LLC only works on behalf of its clients and is in no way affiliated with any governmental or regulatory agency, including the IRS. Govt Assist, LLC offers a pa >Govt Assist, LLC does not review the information submitted on your EIN Application. We are not a law firm or a substitute for an attorney or law firm. We cannot provide any kind of advice, explanation, opinion or recommendation about legal issues, and our communications are not protected by the attorney-client privilege or as work product. For legal advice, please contact an attorney or law firm. This product or service has not been approved or endorsed by any governmental agency, and this offer is not being made by an agency of the government.

Итог: Select Your Entity Type Select your desired entity and fill out your information on our simplified forms to obtain a Federal Tax ID Number / EIN from the IRS in just 3 simple steps. Govt Assist


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