Ministry Of War: Firearm Era Free Pet, Cash Shop Codes Available, ministry of war.
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Ministry Of War: Firearm Era Free Pet, Cash Shop Codes Available
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Want a free pet? Some cash shop potions and some extra gear for the free-to-play MMORTS game, Ministry of War: Firearm Era? Well, you stopped by at just the right time to get your hands on the latest bit of freebies from your kindly neighborhood Gaming Blend peddlers.
Every once in a while a publisher will want to boost up their player-base by throwing some free stuff your way. when they decide to carry out such an event, they usually head to mid-tier sites like this one or well-established MMO sites like to get their hands around the necks of some additional players. This is one of those events and people willing to get some free stuff will be those 'additional players' the publisher is looking for.
So what do we have for you today? Well, if you're willing to bide your time in the ancient world of the Ministry of War you can enjoy some intense battles with friends and foes alike while you attempt to grow your kingdom and conquer the world. The freebies come courtesy of the new server rollout that took place last week, as evidenced in the date of the main image above. Now that things are stabilized, Snail wants to bring in a few new players to their stable.
If the above description sounds like a rocking good time to you, then you can check out what free stuff we're offering you here today at the cost of nothing more than a little bit of your time and a fraction of your soul and the blood of your first-born being sold to Snail Games – oops, I mean. scratch that part about your soul and your first-born, I was looking at the terms of service agreement for an Electronic Arts Play 4 Free game. My bad. Anyway, the list of goods we're giving away can be viewed below:
Package Contents:
Level 50 Purple Gear Box x3
Purple Hero Card x1
Pet Card: Wolf (Bound) x1
The 8 Hour Shock Troops (Bound) x1
The Bronze Mine (Bound) x5
Now if this were Activision it would probably require the heart of a virgin and the head of your neighbor, but thankfully Activision isn't keen on MMOs, so instead you don't have to jump through hoops to get this stuff since Snail Games just wants someone playing their game. Hence, the cost of getting those free items above is actually. well. free. Sorry to disappoint those of you used to the life-binding contracts associated with AAA MMOs.
You will have to go through a small process to retrieve the items, though, and it doesn't involve skinning your newborn over a burning bush, it's all quite tame and follows the tradition of registering an account, signing into the latest Ministry of War server and retrieving your goods. It's really that simple.
Those of you coming for games like Star Wars: The Old Republic and Need for Speed Online are probably afraid a reputation manager is hiding behind a curtain somewhere to goad you into paying money out your butthole for the free items, but I assure you, Snail Games can't afford them and so you don't have to worry about being pestered by shills.
So here's the official process for retrieving the codes that we'll be handing out on our official Facebook page.
How to Redeem Gift Code:
1. If you are not a current player register for a MoW account on
2. Log into the latest server #42: Epic Heroes to create your character.
3. Open this link and login on the top of this page
4. Input the gift code, choose the correct server and click OBTAIN button
5. Login game to check to receive your gift
Promotion is available to players Worldwide
Gift Item will be delivered via in-game mail immediately after players redeem the gift code on this page:
Итог: Ministry Of War: Firearm Era Free Pet, Cash Shop Codes Available Leave a Comment Want a free pet? Some cash shop potions and some extra gear for the free-to-play MMORTS game, Ministry of
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