Warface start
warface start
Warface start

We are glad to present you CZ 805 BREN A2, a Rifleman primary that will appear in game with the next update. This Czech carbine sports well-balanced combat specs and will easily compete with the most popular Rifleman guns in game.
The series of modular rifles CZ 805 was developed in the Czech Republic in 2006 to replace the outdated submachine gun CZ SA Vz.58. After the exhibition IDET 2009 where the system was presented to the general public, CZ 805 outdid Belgian FN SCAR winning a tender.

CZ 805 BREN A2 is an assault rifle boasting impressive damage, excellent range and soft recoil. Thanks to the weapon's well-balanced specs, enemy destruction at any distance is like shooting fish in a barrel. The new gun's main in-game rivals will be F90 MBR and AK-12. However, higher rate of fire and greater damage make the Czech model stand out favourably.

CZ 805 BREN A2 comes equipped with three unique attachments. The grip reduces recoil and increases accuracy and reload speed (not applied in prone). The laser target designator significantly improves hip accuracy, decreases recoil shake and slightly reduces recoil. Finally, the suppressor slightly decreases recoil shake, improves penetration and decreases damage drop.

By killing enemies with this weapon you will be able to get memorable distinctions.

You don't have to keep your enemies close if you can eliminate them at any distance.

One of the next updates will top up the Engineer arsenal with a long-awaited golden version of the modular submachine gun Kriss Super V Custom. It will sport excellent combat specs, a larger mag and will take more ammo. Check out the novelty, soon you will be able to test it in game!
The submachine gun KRISS Vector was developed by the American company Transformational Defense Industries. The first prototypes successfully passed testing in 2005. Their excellent results allowed to start mass production of the model in 2006.
The main advantages of this small arm are a highly accurate automatic fire and incredible controllability of the weapon while firing, taking into account that its rate of fire achieves 1800 rounds per minute depending on the modification.

Moreover, you will not need any special tools to change the weapon's calibre in a matter of seconds (for example, the .45 ACP for the 9х19 mm Parabellum). The submachine gun in question offers three modes of fire: single shots, 2-round bursts and automatic continuous fire.
Kriss Super V Custom is a popular Engineer primary boasting cool futuristic looks. Its first-rate specs appeal to many players. The golden version will preserve the advantages of the regular Kriss Super V Custom and will boast a larger 36-round magazine and increased ammo (216 rounds).

Do you like the new weapon, soldiers?
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The idea of adding the fifth class to Warface was not new. It was designed to diversify the habitual gameplay and add new possible class combinations. The SED presented in the October update successfully coped with these tasks. However, the outcome of the fifth class introduction is controversial.
All new mechanics are pretty intuitive: the SED is not possible to knock down, it can perform unassisted climbs, it is slow, very strong and heavily armoured. All these characteristics are completely different from the gameplay of the old classes, but one round played as SED is enough to master it.
The appearance of the SED had a significant impact on the interaction between opponents and allies. For example, the fifth class turned out a real pain in the neck for rival Snipers but became easy prey for Medics. In addition, ally Engineers gained greater importance as support class by evolving, in a way, into a second Med. At the same time, the SED itself proved to be a fighter capable of a single flanking breakthrough. Finally, another benefit of the SED is that now all team members can pick different classes and assume a unique role.
However, the fact that the SED is unlike the rest of the "human" classes has its flaws. In particular, the robot’s low mobility and exceptional armor are strange to the majority of players.
To make the SED feel more common, we decided to tweak its specs bringing them closer to the "human" classes by increasing its mobility and reducing armour. At the same time, all basic robotic features of the fifth class will remain unchanged conserving its unique character.
Read on to learn what specs will be modified.

- Removed head protection

- Armor points: 330 (used to be 350)

- Slide distance -20% (used to be -40%)
- Sprint distance +400% (used to be +1000%)
- Sprint speed -5% (used to be -15%)
- Increased strafe multiplier.

- Removed head protection

- Slide distance -20% (used to be -40%)
- Sprint distance +400% (used to be +1000%)
- Sprint speed -5% (used to be -15%)
- Increased strafe multiplier.
Please note that the specs indicated are not definitive and can be subject to changes per general testing results.
Итог: Warface start Soldiers! We are glad to present you CZ 805 BREN A2, a Rifleman primary that will appear in game with the next update. This Czech carbine sports well-balanced combat specs
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