Galaxy online 2, galaxy online 2.
galaxy online 2
Galaxy online 2

Welcome to the Galaxy Online II Wiki
Galaxy Online II is a Facebook game based heavily on strategy and luck. The object of the game is to become the best of the best. By completing Quests and Instances, you will gain the power and experience to become the mightiest in all the Galaxy.
This Wiki is the most complete Wiki for the game, although there is still a lot that can be added. If you would like to help out with the wiki, have an interesting idea for new pages or want information on editing go to the Community Portal.
New players can start at the Beginner's Guide.

GO2 for the iPad and Android
The Official forums can be found at IGG Galaxy Online II Forum
Since IGG revamped its whole network, the multilingual forums might have been relocated to another link. Try by replacing "us" with the domain name of your country in order to browse your local forums.
GO2 also has a Google Docs Spreadsheet, It's generally more up to date than the wiki, also some people prefer to see tables in spreadsheet format.
Instance viewer + other tools Link (note the new link)

There is a rumored Brazilian version but the link hasn't been found yet.
Beginner's Guide

Latest activity
- Talk:Energy Shield Booster
new comment by Zpamm3rComment: How would it work with Basics/Sagans/Tysons? Will it add +3 to both negations? (Example: Kinetic+"all") - Talk:Suggestions
new comment by A FANDOM userComment: What are bound items - Talk:Scorpio.S03
new comment by A FANDOM userComment: f2p players will never get to this point. - Talk:Liberty Wings 2S
new comment by A FANDOM userComment: Anyone knows how to get this blueprint? - Talk:Commander Cards
new comment by A FANDOM userComment: is there a means to unlock a commander card w/o spending 100 mp's to do it? - Talk:Treasure Box
new comment by A FANDOM userComment: not from facebook! - Talk:Slayer Bael
new comment by A FANDOM userComment: So. what are the procs chances? - Talk:Humaroid Level 15
new comment by Freddy1262Comment: falta informacion sobre esta instancia, humaroids desde lv 11-15? - Talk:Battle Items
new comment by A FANDOM userComment: most likely bound - Talk:Daedalus Chips
new comment by A FANDOM userComment: Also almost nobody goes for max. accuracy on Jakar divines (Lelantos, Pernicious) so it really doesn't matter because they can not really do anything. - Talk:Taude
new comment by A FANDOM userComment: Though known as one of the best commanders around, Taude is almost insufferably arrogant. His arrogance, however, is the result of success. In battle. - User:Big Bouffant
edited by A FANDOM user - Talk:Enduring Chorus
new comment by A FANDOM userComment: Yes, they do - Talk:Daedalus Chips
new comment by A FANDOM userComment: The most important chip on a tank commander. - Talk:Constellation Instances
new comment by A FANDOM userComment: Obrigado pela dica - Talk:Overall Ship Defense
new comment by A FANDOM userComment: Do overall ship defense counts agaisnt base defenses? - Talk:The Heartless Ones
new comment by A FANDOM userComment: Of course, to any commander card - Principia de Vis
edited by Zpamm3rSummary: I still don't understand why people hate it. I find it alluring. Anyway, extra section. - Talk:Drop Rates
new comment by A FANDOM userComment: - Talk:Overall Ship Defense
new comment by A FANDOM userComment: Only for those who knows about it - Talk:Stability
new comment by A FANDOM userComment: Of course, late reply tho - Talk:Stabilizer Chips
new comment by A FANDOM userComment: Almost all orange chips gets a 100% from lv7->lv8 - Talk:Aries Constellation
new comment by Zpamm3rComment: I want to fill Singhri with my. love and support. - Talk:Special Events
new comment by Zpamm3rComment: Ripperino Wheel. - Category talk:Shield Modules
created by Zpamm3rNew page: I did some math on negation modules, and I came across this, taking into account no shield researches have been made: 4 Eos III shields block 280. - Talk:New Year Chest
new comment by Zpamm3rComment: Just got 10 vouchers. - Principia de Vis
edited by Zpamm3rSummary: Added a description and basic stats. Call them "project barebones".

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Итог: Galaxy online 2 Welcome to the Galaxy Online II Wiki Galaxy Online II is a Facebook game based heavily on strategy and luck. The object of the game is to become the best of the best. By
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